Friday 5th February 2021

Emmaus - A New Family of Schools Working in Partnership

It has been an exciting week with the official formation of the Emmaus Catholic Multi Academy Company.  Further information about the Mission, Vision and Values of Emmaus are included within the parents' letter which was circulated on Monday.  A copy of the letter and new prayer card is also available on the school website within the Key Information tab. We pray for God's support, care and guidance as we continue our journey as a family of Catholic schools. 

In this Sunday’s Gospel, we hear about Jesus taking time out to recover and refresh himself through prayer. After he brings peace and recovery to Simon’s mother-in-law, everyone crowds in on Jesus, wanting to be healed. Finally, Jesus goes off in the early morning to gather strength by praying to his Father. Jesus regularly gathered together the community and prayed with them. He also made time to pray alone – a model of praying for us to follow. Prayer was the source of Jesus’ joy, strength and compassion, and it can be ours too.

The Year of St Joseph

Pope Francis has proclaimed this year ‘The Year of Joseph’ (8 December 2020 to 8 December 2021). 

‘Saint Joseph reminds us that those who appear hidden or in the shadows can play an incomparable role in the history of salvation.’ Pope Francis (8th December 2020)

Celebrating the life of St Joseph, and calling on him for help, is particularly relevant in this time of universal turmoil when so many are having difficulty finding employment, when we are becoming more aware of how much we owe to so many ordinary, hardworking people, and when our human frailty and mortality are so much in our minds and in the news.

Through the Year of St Joseph, the Church is reminding us that we have a powerful ally in Heaven who, having lived and worked so long in the shadows like so many unsung heroes, is working tirelessly for us and with us in the here and now.

Live Session for All Children

During the latter part of next week, the aim is for all teachers to host a 'live' session for all children in each class to attend.  This session will last between 15 and 30 minutes depending upon the children's age.  It will also allow the School to test Microsoft Teams to use for Parents' Evening next half term.  Further details will be circulated to parents shortly on how to access this session. We thank our parents for their continued support in managing the remote learning for children who remain at home.

DfE Guidance on supporting your children's remote education during the coronavirus

Information and support for parents and carers of children who are learning at home. Supporting your children's remote education during coronavirus (COVID-19) - GOV.UK (

Latest advice for parents on coronavirus from the DfE

Click on the following link to the NHS website for information on what to do if you or your child/ren show the main symptoms of Coronavirus.

Covid Family Support Information (Updated)

We have all experienced challenges and difficulties during this pandemic, but sometimes we may need support from someone else or know of someone who may need additional help.  Dudley MBC have created a 'Support for Families' leaflet which signposts local services to parents. We have also included an updated list of support for parents via a range of local and national agencies.  These documents can be found within the Covid 19 tab on the school website landing page.

Multi-Skills Activity Camp for Critical Worker and Vulnerable Children - February Half Term

Black Country Health Care 24-7 Support Line for adults and young people

Black Country Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust have just launched a 24-7 support line for adults, older adults, children and young people who require urgent mental health support during the Covid-19 Pandemic. Please don't suffer in silence.  If you are experiencing increased distress or anxiety during these uncertain times, then pick up the phone and speak to one of the specialist mental health professionals who will be able to support you.  Further details and contact information can be found on the flyer within the Covid 19 tab on the school website.  

Prayer of the Week - Emmaus MAC Prayer

God, Our Father, on the road to Emmaus, Jesus your Son nurtured the disciples with the Word of Scripture and nourished their faith with the Breaking of Bread. On our journey of life, renew our communities, restore our hope, and inspire our enthusiasm for learning. Increase our commitment to education, with compassion in our hearts and dedication to the Gospel. As disciples and friends of Jesus, empower us with the courage to lead and the humility to serve Your people. Amen.


Virtues Focus - Grateful and Generous

Children at St. Joseph's are growing to be: Grateful for their own gifts, for the gift of other people, and for the blessings of each day; and generous with their gifts, becoming men and women for others.

Pope's Intention for February

Violence Against Women
We pray for women who are victims of violence, that they may be protected by society and have their sufferings considered and heeded.


Emmaus CMAC
St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School Ofsted

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