Good Morning Year 4,
Welcome to a new week of home learning. I hope you are all well and you had a lovely weekend.
Click on the video below for today's welcome and introduction to today's lessons.
The Person Controller
Chapter: 13
Monday 1st March: Spring Block 3 - Fractions: Fractions of a set of objects
Today you will be finding the fractions of a group of objects.
Watch today's teaching video before starting your work.
Once you have completed your sheets, click on the link below for the answers.
This week, as part of our celebration of 'World Book Day' the whole school is going to be exploring the book, 'Tuesday' by David Wiesner. Today you are going to begin by watching the animation. For your independent task you are going to complete the comprehension. Read the questions carefully and remember to write neat, full sentences and check for punctuation.
The Lessons for the week are all on one set of slides. Enjoy!
As it is World Book Day on Thursday 4th March, here are some different activities for you to
complete this week.
You don’t have to complete them all. You might like to pick a different one each day or just
choose some of your favourite ones.
Nothing needs to be printed. The activities can just be completed on paper.
Mrs Cangiano has very kindly put together a music lesson linked to our 'World Book Day' book 'Tuesday'. You will be joining in with a song all about how amazing books are and then listening to music used to accompany the story 'Tuesday', for your first task you are going to explore the music and then compose some music of your own.
In PSHE this week you are going to continue exploring frienship, today you are going to be considering how important it is to listen to others, even when we have different views and opinions. You will be thinking about how we listen to others and get our opinions across in an effective way.
Click below for today's lesson.
The Person Controller
Chapter: 14
Tuesday 2nd March: Spring Block 3 - Fractions: Fractions of a set of objects
Today you will be continuing to find fractions of a set of objects.
Watch today's teaching video before starting your work.
Once you have completed your sheets, click on the link below for the answers.
Today's questions and answers.
We are going to continue with our topic based upon the book ' Tuesday' by David Wiesner. You are going to imagine you are the detective investigating the events and talking to witness's. You are going to write some interview questions to find out more.
Click below for the lesson. Remember the slides of the story are on 'Mondays' lesson, you can refer back to these throughout the week.
Today in PE, you are going to be learning a dance routine with the 'Kids Bop' team.
Remember to warm up your body and stretch your muscles. Have a drink of water nearby.
Click on the link below. Have fun!
The Person Controller
Chapter: 15
Wednesday Word
Please share the Wednesday Word together. It is the Gospel message for this coming Sunday. There are always very good questions, discussion points and activities on there.
I will attach the link each week when it is available.
Wednesday 3rd March: Spring Block 3 - Fractions: Calculate fractions of a quantity
Today you will be finding fractions of a quantity, an amount.
For example 1/2 (half) of 20 = 10
Watch today's teaching video before starting your work.
Once you have completed your sheets, click on the link below for the answers.
Today's questions and answers.
We are going to continue with our topic based upon the book ' Tuesday' by David Wiesner. You are going to explore speech and recognising the difference between 'direct speech', when we write what people are saying and use our rules of speech and 'reported speech', when we report back what has been said by someone else.
Click below for the lesson. Remember the slides of the story are on 'Mondays' lesson, you can refer back to these throughout the week.
Today we are continuing with our new topic, 'The Anlgo- Saxons and Vikings'. Today you are going to learn about the Anglo-Saxon kings in the Viking period. You will consider their significance and the similarities and differences between them. For today's task you are going to find five facts on each of the kings; Alfred and Athelstan, to make a poster on each.
Click below for the lesson and you can also print off the worksheets below if you wish to do so.
Today you are going to choose three instruments to explore. Think about instruments that you might want to make. You can print off the sheets or write on a blank sheet, remember to add them to the front sheet that you made last week for your booklet.
Click on the link below for today's lesson and to print off the sheets.
World book day masked reader
As it is World Book day today (04.03.21), we have made a special video for you all to enjoy. Can you work out which of the Saint Joseph's staff are behind the mask and what story they are reading? Don't worry, we have given you some clues to help you out :). Click on the link below to watch the video.
There is an answer sheet for you to write your answers on or just jot them down onto paper. Send them into your teachers or bring them into school with you on Monday :). The answers will all be revealed next week. Good luck and enjoy :)
The Person Controller
Chapter: 16
Thursday 4th March: Fractions: Problem solving - calculate quantities
Today is our last lesson in our fractions block. You will be applying what you have learnt to complete some problem solving questions.
Watch today's teaching video before completing the questions below.
Once you have completed your work you can mark your answers.
Today's questions and answers.
We are going to continue with our topic based upon the book ' Tuesday' by David Wiesner. Today, you are going to write up a police report. Read through the example carefully to give you ideas on how to set out your paragraphs and then use the planner to plan out your report before writing up your final piece.
Click below for the lesson. Remember the slides of the story are on 'Mondays' lesson, you can refer back to these throughout the week.
This week, Mrs cangiano has organised some art activities based on our book this week, 'Tuesday'. Choose which activities you would like to do form the link of activities below.
Today's Picture news considers the packaging of products and if you should choose items because of the materials used to package them.
Click on the link below to access the lesson.
The Person Controller
Chapter: 17
Today you are going to be completing fraction activities on 'Education City'. If you do not have your username and password, please contact the school office. Login to Education City and your tasks will be set under 'Friday 5th March Maths'
We are going to continue with our topic based upon the book ' Tuesday' by David Wiesner. In our final lesson, you are going to write a newspaper report, using reported speech.
Click below for the lesson. Remember the slides of the story are on 'Mondays' lesson, you can refer back to these throughout the week.
In science today, you are going to continue exploring sound. You will learn how vibrations make sound and how they change when a sound gets louder. Finally you are going to find out how sound travels to the ear and for your task today you are going to plan and present an educational programme to demonstrate this.
Click below for the lesson and for the activity sheet if you would like to print it off.
For today's French lesson you are going to begin a new topic, As-Tu Un Animal? (Do you have a pet?).
Work throught the slides to begin with, practicing the pronunciation of the french words for pets. Then complete the worksheet (you can choose from the 3 different levels). If you cannot print the sheet off, just write the answers on your paper.
1)Go to the Language Angels website.
2)Click on login and 'home learning' and use the following username and Password.
USERNAME: Stjose1970 PASSWORD: lahome
3)Click on the dashboard at the top and look at the middle column INTERMEDIATE LEVEL CHALLENGE .
4)Click on Unit 6: As-Tu Un Animal? and then on Lesson 2.
If you are managing to finish all the set work for the week, here are some extra websites for more challenges/lessons/projects if you want to. Feel free to do your own and take responsibility for your own learning. Don't forget you have your Education City Logins and you can free play through the subjects without me setting any. Hope these websites help a little bit!
If you are looking for more...
English writing and grammar:
Maths Challenges/Revision:
Maths games:
All subjects:
BBC Bitesize Learning from home:
Oak National Academy: