Daily Prayers

You can find daily prayers in this document to say with your family, friends or by yourself. 

Safer Internet Day

On Tuesday of this week it will be Safer Internet Day.

The theme is:

"An internet we trust: exploring reliability in the online world"

This year in the UK, Safer Internet Day explores reliability online. The internet has an amazing range of information and opportunities online, but how do we separate fact from fiction?

There is a presentation with information, an assembly video and some follow up activities. You can do them on Tuesday or any other time you like! 

Hello Year 5 another new week is here!

Super work once again last week and you have all achieved so much - I'm so proud of you. 

Your work is organised into the days of the week below, as before.

Please try your best to have a look at the Maths and English lessons at a minimum for each day of the week. Remember: you choose your challenge. If you want to do a few questions or ALL of them, that's fine.

We all work at different levels, speeds and abilities. You just work to the best of yours! 

Afternoon sessions are there on the days we would usually do them in school but you can do them in any order if you want.

Morning messages are there with the instructions for the day. 

Don't forget to scroll to the end of the page to see some extra projects and activities like Action for Happiness calendar/Times Tables/Mental Maths websites and other extra learning websites too! 

You can send me work or questions you may have to the Year 5 mailbox: year5@st-jo-st.dudley.sch.uk

I promise I am looking at everything that is coming in but I might not reply to each of your lovely individual emails that you send during the week but I will try and respond once a week at a minimum

Fabulous Feedback from Mrs Hickman!

Watch this video for some whole class verbal feedback.

I have spoken about equivalent fractions and I have made a video, showing you how to find equivalent fractions, to refresh and revise. 

The second half of the feedback video below is looking at your Dragon Themed Poetry and showing good examples of work, along with some spelling and grammar errors I spotted too! 

Equivalent Fractions feedback and revision by Mrs Hickman

Morning Messages from Mrs Hickman

(These are best viewed on a laptop/PC. They don't work well on mobiles unless you copy the link and open in the internet browser on your mobile)

Don't forget to watch Mr Carry's Monday Gospel Assembly back out on the main Remote Learning Page as well


Tuesday https://www.loom.com/share/b1dc5e1e2a944c7fb0884fd8f88e13b8 

Wednesday https://www.loom.com/share/7eeb9cccf6264d6c964bf2d4808a40e4


Friday https://www.loom.com/share/a6d1e0501bb44bd9a19f959036dc6048 

Monday 8th February


Topic - Fractions

Lesson - Improper fractions to mixed numbers

New learning today. Watch and Listen to the video really carefully. There will be lots of bar models and number lines used to help you visualise the fractions. 

Remember: an improper fraction is where the numerator (top number) is LARGER than the denominator (bottom number). You might have heard it as a "top-heavy" fraction as the top looks heavier than the bottom! 

A mixed number is a whole number with a fraction.

You will be able to answer the questions WITHOUT printing. You might need a ruler to draw some bar models to help you visualise the fractions. 


Topic - Harry Potter

Lesson - Figurative Language

As we know from last week, The motto of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry is Draco dormiens numquam titillandus; Latin for Never tickle a sleeping dragon.

We are going to continue our dragon theme this week! 

Read the descriptions of dragons on the Lessson Presentation and listen to Mrs Hickman discussing the descriptions and language used in the video. 


You need to create a dragon. 

Think of figurative phrases and words only to describe a dragon. (You are not writing in paragraphs today- just ideas!).

There are examples in the presentation to help. Remember to describe all of its body, how it moves, defends itself etc.

Listen to Mrs Hickman discussing the descriptive and figurative language here:

Music Whole School Project

This week you will be learning about Gustav Holst.

1. Go through the "Find out about Gustav Holst" Slideshow. 

2. Then, you need to complete the Creative Response Tasks. 

3. After that, there is a Quiz for you to complete too! 

A busy, musical afternoon for you! Have fun! 

Extra optional tasks:

-Write a summary about everything you have learnt in today's music lesson. 

-Create a poster/fact sheet/biography about this week's musician. 


Picture News

Have a look at this week's Picture News resource and what has been going on this week. Picture News Special: 

"Captain Sir Tom Moore"

Tuesday 9th February

Safer Internet Day today! 

Have a look at the presentation at the top of our class page. If you do any activities about staying safe online this week (not just the ones in the presentation), I would love to see them. Email me: year5@st-jo-st.dudley.sch.uk 


Topic - Fractions

Lesson - Mixed numbers to improper fractions

New learning today but you will use what you learnt yesterday (doing it in reverse)! Watch and Listen to the video carefully and completely. There will be lots of bar models and number lines used to help you visualise the fractions again. 

Remember: an improper fraction is where the numerator (top number) is LARGER than the denominator (bottom number). You might have heard it as a "top-heavy" fraction as the top looks heavier than the bottom! 

A mixed number is a whole number with a fraction.

You will be able to answer the questions WITHOUT printing. You might need a ruler to draw some bar models to help you visualise the fractions.

CHALLENGE Qs are on the second half of the second page!  


Topic- Harry Potter

Lesson - sentence structure/different clause types

Read the presentation and listen to Mrs Hickman revising the different clause types. 

Can you remember what each clause looks like?

Subordinate clauses

Embedded clauses

Relative clauses


Experiment with different clause types to put towards your dragon description that we will write tomorrow. 

Listen to Mrs Hickman revising different clause types here:


Topic - Be Yourself

Lesson - The Confidence Trick

Understand why we sometimes feel shy or nervous and know how to manage these feelings.

Hopefully by the end of the session you can:

-identify situations that might make you feel shy or nervous.
-discuss the impact of how we choose to respond to feeling nervous and shy.
- identify strategies that might help you to feel confident and behave confidently.


Please try and stay as active as you can during lockdown. 

Have a look at some suggestions from RB Sport who work with us in school.

Monday - Kids Bop (Best day of my life) ⚡ 🙉
Tuesday - Gymnastics with RB  🤸🏽‍♂️ (NEW ) 
Wednesday - Cosmic Kids Yoga - Trolls Theme 🧸
Thursday - Football Challenges with RB ⚽
               Keepy Up Challenge - https://youtu.be/W10Gpe7BYHY
               Advanced Challenge - https://youtu.be/WfheLudkQfI
Friday - Maths on the Move Home Challenge Sheets
                 (NEW )  ➕➖✖➗

Youth Sports Trust

Have a look at the fun PE activities from the Youth Sports Trust. They can be done individually or in pairs/small groups with your family members! 

Choose one or two to do today and you can complete more as the days/term goes on. There are even videos to help you along if you can't visualise the game from the activity card.

Joe Wicks

Joe Wicks is back to get our heart rates pumping this lockdown. He will be online every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. 

They will be broadcast live on his YouTube channel The Body Coach TV at 9am.

If you miss any session, they will be saved so you can work out to them at any time, especially if you are working on your maths and English in the morning. They are 20 minutes each so please try to do these! 

Wednesday 10th February

Wednesday Word 

Today's Wednesday Word is COMPASSION. Please share the Wednesday Word together. This week you will see a booklet. It will cover this week's Gospel (Jesus cures a leper) and it will talk about next week too as Lent starts. It will be Ash Wednesday in half-term.

"The compassion of God, his suffering-with-us, gives meaning
to our struggles and our sufferings." Pope Francis

What will your Lenten Promise be?



Topic - Fractions

Lesson -  Number sequences

Today, you are going to try and complete number sequences but using fractions. Look at the video and look carefully at the number lines to help you. 

Remember: ascending means the numbers are getting larger (adding)

descending means the numbers are getting smaller (subtracting)

Challenge: Most of the second sheet will get your brains working even more! 


Topic - Harry Potter

Lesson - Create a series of imaginiative and inspiring paragraghs

Today, you will use all of your ideas, planning, figurative language and experimenting with sentences to write descriptive paragraphs about dragons.

Look at some really good examples on the presentation. 

Mrs Hickman will also read them and talk through them in her video.  

Mrs Hickman will talk you through a few examples here:


Topic - Parables and Sayings of Jesus

Lesson - Jesus showed what God was like through parables. 

Recall the parable of the Good Samaritan. (on presentation)

Discuss each character in the Parable - Priests, Levites and Samaritans.

  • What did each one of them do for the man who had been hurt?
  • Why did two of them not get involved?

Discuss the teaching behind this parable. 


Create a modern day version of the parable.

2 people who are ‘the same’ as someone who is hurt/upset, don’t help but someone who seems the total opposite is a true neighbour.

Church goers/rough biker

School bullies/quiet child

Elderly person set in their ways/someone from a different country or refugees (take a look at this story https://www.presbyterianireland.org/getmedia/2d0e5560-4f31-4759-8aae-8d5f6b3a224f/Youth-Resources-Modern-Day-Story.pdf.aspx)


Thursday 11th February


Topic - Fractions

Lesson - Comparing and ordering fractions PART 1

We are going to take our time with this objective. You will need your knowledge of equivalent fractions and common denominators today! 


Topic - Harry Potter

Lesson - finishing off/ art link

Please complete your descriptive and imaginative and inspiring paragraphs.

Use the last page of the presentation to help you evaluate and edit your work. 

You can draw your dragon or follow the instructions from Art for Kids hub here https://youtu.be/KRAarF177Y4 



NEW TOPIC: Scientists and Inventors

Lesson - David Attenborough

We have finished our forces unit and we will now move onto learning about some scientists and inventors. 

David Attenborough is a wildlife film-maker and naturalist.
This means he is a scientist who studies animals and their behaviour.

Today, you will describe the life and work of David Attenborough and also try to make a documentary script like one of his shows! 


Bonjour! Topic - Les Vetements (Clothes) Lesson 5

In this lesson you will learn the three different ways of saying 'my' in French.

Please visit the Language Angels Home School 


Username: StJose1970

Password: lahome

-Click dashboard

-Intermediate Challenge

-Unit 7 - Les Vetements (Clothes)

-Lesson 5

There is a worksheet and word puzzle to complete and once again, you can choose your level.

There is a choice between Standard Challenge, Less Challenge and More Challenge. The answer sheets are there too.

You can go to the "Games Arcade" to play games too! 

"S'amuser" - Have fun! 

Friday 12th February


Today I would like you to complete Skills Check 4.

Complete all the questions you can and the answers are attached in a separate document. Topics not fully covered yet on this week's sheet - Fractions (we have only started as you know), Decimals, Shape and Translations. Don't worry if you can't answer these questions. :-)

Please have a look on Education City and complete the Times Tables tasks. Some of them you can only play on a laptop/computer but most of them are tablet versions. Make sure you turn your device landscape.

(If you have completed them, play again and try to beat your score - it is good revision!).

Use the other websites that I have mentioned below like TT Rockstars and "Hit the Button" etc. too. 

English - Reading

Oliver Twist Extract

You will read an extract of the first chapter of Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens. 

Then, answer the questions on the Lesson Presentation. 

Other Reading Activities this week

-Ask your child to read a chapter from their home reading book.

-Following this, ask your child to summarise the events from the chapter. They could bullet point what happened, create a comic strip or present the information in their own creative way.

-Encourage your child to note down any unfamiliar words from the chapter they have read. Explore the meanings of these words by using a dictionary, reading around the sentence or using print conventions.

-Challenge your child to read something around the house that isn't a book. They can then keep a record of all these. 


Oxford Owl have some eBooks to read. Stage 16 onwards are suited to Upper Key Stage 2. 

If you want to read some online stories or if you have run out of your own to read, click the Magic keys link below (scroll down to "Books for Older Children" or "Books for Young Adults")

Have a look at The Reading Home Links file for more ideas as well. 


Topic - Ancient Greeks 

Lesson - Battle of Matathon

You will learn about the Greek cities of Athens and Sparta and how they are similar but also VERY different!

You will find out why the Spartans didn’t help the Athenians in their time of need and hopefully be able to order events of the Battle of Marathon!


Over the next few weeks, we will be exploring the work of artists who use very ordinary objects and materials to make exciting and imaginative pieces of artwork.

This week, we're going to take inspiration from Brazilian illustrator Victor Nunes. He combines everyday objects with simple illustrations to turn them into pictures of faces, animals and playful scenes. 

Go through the Lesson Presentation and have fun! 

Action for Happiness Calendar

This month's theme: Friendly February

We need each other more than ever right now! This month let's focus on reaching out to connect with others and doing our best to be a good friend. Our acts of kindness and connection ripple out and impact so many more people than we realise - and they also boost our own happy hormones too! In stressful times people around us may be feeling the strain, so let's try to keep calm, take time to listen and show compassion.

Times Tables/Number facts 

You should know all times tables to 12 x 12 with their division facts.

Please say them to yourself or with someone in your house, write them out, write/say the multiples etc. Please continue your times tables practice on TT Rockstars. There are lots of other websites and activities you can use if you want to such as:

Hit the button https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button 

Mental Maths Train (if you are not too quick with them yet) https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/mental-maths-train 

Coconut Mutiples https://www.topmarks.co.uk/times-tables/coconut-multiples 

Daily 10 Daily 10 - Mental Maths Challenge - Topmarks 

Archery Arithmetic https://mathsframe.co.uk/en/resources/resource/399/Archery-Arithmetic-Multiplication 


If you are managing to finish all the set work for the week, here are some extra websites for more challenges/lessons/projects if you want to. Feel free to do your own and take responsibility for your own learning. Don't forget you have your Education City Logins and you can free play through the subjects without me setting any. Hope these websites help a little bit! 

If you are looking for more...

English writing and grammar:




Maths Challenges/Revision:





Maths games:




All subjects:

BBC Bitesize Learning from home: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/this-terms-topics

Oak National Academy: https://classroom.thenational.academy/subjects-by-year/year-5

Emmaus CMAC
St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School Ofsted

A School Life Website
School Life iOS Mobile Application
School Life Android Mobile Application