We are a group of people who share a commitment and enthusiasm to ensure that your children achieve the best possible education in an environment where our Catholic values are central to that aim; closely following our Mission Statement:
In following the Gospel values of Jesus, we are called to love, to learn and to respect one another.
The Local Governing Body make important decisions about many aspects of school life. The major
stakeholders are:
The children
The staff
The parents
Our Catholic community/society
Our aim is to support our school and to be objective, challenging and questioning decisions that are made to ensure that educational and financial progress is regularly reviewed against the our schools stated aims and objectives.
The Full Governing Body meet six times throughout the academic year. In addition smaller subcommittees continue to meet between 8 and 12 times a year collectively, this is to facilitate effective management of the Full Governing Body.
Maintaining the Catholic ethos of our school
Ensuring that the curriculum is balanced and broadly based
Monitoring appropriate targets for pupil achievement
Determining the admissions policy
Maintaining the school building and premises
Agreeing and monitoring of the financial budget
Overall responsibilities for staffing
Foundation Governors
Are nominated by our school’s founding body: the Church and our primary role is to promote the interests of the Diocese of Birmingham, on behalf of the Archbishop, to ensure that Catholic schools live up to the purpose for which they were provided. It is a four yearly appointment in the first instance. Many of us have children at St Joseph’s.
Staff Governor
Elected by members of staff at St Joseph’s.
Parent Governors
Stand for nomination and are elected by parents.
Associate/Co-opted Governor
These Governors do not have any voting rights, but contribute to the Local Governing Body on issues relating to their area of expertise.
Clerk to the Local Governing Body
Plays a vital administrative role to ensure appropriate running of the Local Governing Body.
Name | Type of Representative |
Mr J Coyne | Chair of Local Governing Body / Foundation Governor/ Safeguarding Lead |
Mr M Lodge | Vice Chair / Foundation Governor |
Mrs C Addis | Foundation Governor |
Mrs S Hull | Foundation Governor |
Father Philip Griffin | Foundation Governor |
Mr R Reeve | Foundation Governor |
Mr A Wilkes | Principal |
Mrs D Faux-Conduit | Staff Governor |
Mr M Chadry | Parent Governor |
Mr J Dulson | Parent Govenor |
Mrs J McCole | Vice Principal / Advisor |
Dr J Nock | Foundation Governor |
Mrs N Hackett | Foundation Governor |
It is the policy of St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School that Governors and staff not only act impartially, but are also seen to act impartially.
The Local Governing Body and school staff have a responsibility to avoid any conflict between their business and personal interests and affairs and those of the school. There is a legal duty on all our governors to declare an interest likely to lead to questions of bias when considering any item of business at a meeting, and for the representative concerned to withdraw, if necessary, whilst the matter is considered.
In order to put this duty into practice, our Local Governing Body has established a register of pecuniary interests indicating, for all Governors, Staff and the Principal, any business interests. This includes, if appropriate, the company by whom they are employed, directorships, significant shareholdings or other appointments of influence within a business or other organisation which may have dealings with the school.
They include their own interest and those of any member of their immediate family or other individuals known to them who may exert influence. The register page is signed by the Governor/Staff Member. The register enables the Local Governing Body to demonstrate that in spending public money, they do not benefit personally from decisions that they make.
No business declarations to declare.
All members serve for a four year period.
The Chair and Vice Chair are elected annually.
All governors receive training about safeguarding and child protection (including online safety) at induction, which is
regularly updated. This is to make sure that they:
✓ Have the knowledge and information needed to perform their functions and understand their
responsibilities, such as providing strategic challenge
✓ Can be assured that safeguarding policies and procedures are effective and support the school to deliver
a robust whole-school approach to safeguarding
As the chair of governors may be required to act as the ‘case manager’ if an allegation of abuse is made against the
Principal, they receive training in managing allegations for this purpose.
All Governors will undertake training relating to on line filtering and monitoring, in addition one Governor will be trained
in Cyber-security.
Any Director/Governor to whom the Chair of the Board may delegate the role of ‘case manager’ if an allegation
of abuse is made against the Principal, will receive training in managing allegations for this purpose.