Friday 22nd December 2017

Mary - The Perfect Role Model

Each year on the last Sunday of Advent, we look to Mary, our heavenly mother. In this Sunday's Gospel, the Angel Gabriel announced God's will, and Mary accepted it and put her trust in God. Mary is a perfect example for all people - someone full of love and kindness. Let us consider what we can do to show love and kindness to others as we enter the last few days of Advent.

Christmas Wishes

On behalf of all the Staff and Academy Committee Representatives I would like to wish all of our children, parents and parishioners a very happy, holy and peaceful Christmas break. Our new term begins on Wednesday 3rd January.

Reception Intake September 2018

A reminder to any parents of children born between 01.09.13 and 31.08.14 to complete an application for Reception intake September 2018. Parents can apply online at /admissions or they can phone the Dudley Admissions Office on 0300 555 2345 for a paper form. The closing date for all applications is 15th January 2018.

Poppy Appeal

Congratulations to the children of St Joseph's who raised a massive £391.70 during this year's Poppy Appeal.

Autumn Term House Winners

Congratulations to the children of St. John's house who have accumulated the most points this term. They will be awarded a treat on the first day of the Spring term (Monday 3rd January). The House Feast Day for St John will also be rearranged and a Mass date agreed with Fr. Des.

Mrs Ryder and Mrs Hickman

We said farewell to Mrs Ryder on Wednesday and thanked her for the time she has spent at St. Joseph's teaching our Year 6 children in Mrs Hickman's absence. When we return in January, Mrs Hickman will teach Year 6 from Mondays to Thursdays and Mrs McCole will continue to teach on Fridays. Mrs Hickman will also continue her role as Key Stage 2 and Maths Coordinator too. We wish Mrs Ryder every best wish for the future and welcome back Mrs Hickman.

Sponsorship Request for The Hagley 'Schools of Rock' Concert

If you have a business and would like to place an advertisement in this year's Pyramid Concert programme then please contact Mr Mallinson at Hagley High School via the following email address - Our Year 5 children have been working hard in preparation for this special event and will continue their final preparations after the Christmas break. This is a wonderful opportunity for the children to perform at a first class venue in front of a large audience. The concert will take place on Thursday 15th February at Birmingham Town Hall starting at 7pm. Tickets are £10 and are available from the school office. Please support this event as future funding for next year and beyond is uncertain.

Stay safe in winter - the dangers of frozen water

In winter, children and pets are particularly at risk when tempted to play on the ice formed on open water, and adults can find themselves at risk in attempting to save them. Taking a nice walk in cold weather with your family, friends or dogs in tow can be really refreshing, just make sure you know some simple tips on how to stay safe in winter.

Areas with frozen lakes, ponds, canals and reservoirs can be beautiful places to visit during the winter months but all too often many people risk their lives by venturing onto frozen water. Drowning Prevention charity, the Royal Life Saving Society UK (RLSS UK) has these useful tips to help you know what to do in an emergency.

Procedure for Closing the School

Parents will only be notified by the text messaging service and on the home page of the school website by 7am if the school was to be closed prior to the start of the day. Please ensure that the school office have an up-to-date mobile contact number so that you are able to receive this information. If you would like further information about how to access the school website as an app on your smart phone then please contact the school office.

Virtues Focus - Curious and Active

Children in St. Joseph's School are growing to be curious about everything; and active in their engagement with the world, changing what they can do for the better.

Prayer of the Week

We think of the angel Gabriel who told Mary that she would conceive and bear a son and to call him Jesus. We thank Mary for saying 'Yes' to God as we say: Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed are thou among woman, and blessed is the fruit of they womb Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners and now at the hour of our death. Amen.

Pope's Intentions for December

That the elderly, sustained by families and Christian communities, may apply their wisdom and experience to spreading the faith and forming the new generations.

Emmaus CMAC
St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School Ofsted
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