St Joseph's Staff 2023-24

Name Title
Mr A Wilkes Interim Executive Principal / Designated Safeguarding Leader, Catholic Life Leader
Mrs R Mitchell Interim Head of School, SENDCo, Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leader, Designated Senior Mental Health Leader, RE and Prayer and Liturgy Leader
Mrs D Faux-Conduit Business Partner
Mrs D Bradley Administrator
Mrs N Dodd/Mrs R Southwood Reception Teachers
Mrs L Chadry Year 1 Teacher
Mrs M Riley Year 2 Teacher (Key Stage 1 and EYFS Coordinator, DDSL, English and History co-ordinator)
Mrs A Cangiano Year 3 Teacher (Art and Music co-ordinator)
Miss E Gibbons Year 4 Teacher (Science co-ordinator)
Miss E Taylor Year 5 Teacher (Computing co-ordinator)
Mrs A Hickman Year 6 Teacher, (Key Stage 2 Coordinator, Maths and Geography co-ordinator)
Mrs J Cheslin Teaching Assistant
Mr G Peniket Higher Level Teaching Assistant
Miss P Biniek Teaching Assistant
Mrs J Lloyd Teaching Assistant
Mrs C Smith Teaching Assistant
Mrs V Bailey Teaching Assistant
Mrs R Marrey Teaching Assistant
Mrs L Dulson Teaching Assistant, Mental Health First Aider
Mrs H Chater Teaching Assistant
Mrs S Mullen Teaching Assistant
Miss M Carr Apprentice Teaching Assistant
Mrs S Standish Teaching Assistant
Mr C Dixon Caretaker
Mrs J Hayley Cook
Mrs E Stevens Catering Assistant
Miss L Henley Catering Assistant
Mrs H Chater Midday Supervisor
Mrs R Riddell Supervisory Assistant
Mr S Owens Cleaning Staff
Mrs E Miles Teaching Assistant
St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School Ofsted
Emmaus CMAC
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A School Life Website
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